DJ:Fotograferne is an organization under Dansk Journalistforbund, which takes care of the professionals and the interests of skilled as well as self-taught photographers.
As of 11th of June 2020 VISDA’s board consists of:
DJ:Fotograferne is an organization under Dansk Journalistforbund, which takes care of the professionals and the interests of skilled as well as self-taught photographers.
Danske Billedkunstneres Fagforening (DBF)
Danske Billedkunstneres Fagforening works for the visual artists' professional interests and organizes professional artists within the visual arts.
Danske Fotografisk Fagforening (DFF)
DFF is an association for professional photographers in Denmark that performs information, education and networking work for the members of the photography industry.
Dansk Forfatterforening, Illustratorgruppen
As part of Dansk Forfatterforening, Illustratorgruppen works to strengthen the illustrators' interests and rights, as well as make the subject and its practitioners visible.
Tegnerne af 1919
Tegnerne is an association for professional illustrators / illustrators and students. The organization consists primarily of freelance designers, graphic designers and illustrators.
Dansk Journalistforbund, Danske Bladtegnere
Danske Bladtegnere focuses on strengthening the position of magazine cartoonists in the media, strengthening the right to express themselves freely and defending members' copyright conditions.
Danske Tegneserieskabere
Danske Tegneserieskabere is an interest organization for authors, illustrators and colorists who work professionally with comics in Denmark.
Dansk Journalistforbund, Visuelt Forum
Visuelt Forum organizes the visual communicators and works to make the visual expression visible as an equal and natural part of professional communication.
Billedkunstnernes Forbund (BKF)
BKF is a professional organization for visual artists and looks after the artists' professional, financial, social, and legal interests. BKF also focuses on promoting the use of art throughout society.
Film- Og Tv-Arbejderforeningen (FAF)
FAF is a professional organization for freelancers and employees within the production of animation, computer games, short and documentary films, multimedia, feature films and television.
Dansk Journalistforbund, Pressefotografforbundet
Pressefotografforbundet organizes professional photographers who primarily have photojournalism as their field of work. It is i.a. press photographers, photojournalists and TV photographers.
Danske Kunsthåndværkere & Designere
Danske Kunsthåndværkere & Designere works for the terms of the professionally creative artisans and designers.
UBVA, Akademikerne
UBVA is a committee under Akademikerne that looks after the interests of academics in relation to intellectual property rights (primarily copyright).
HK Privat, Tegnere og Illustratorer
HK grafisk kommunikation is a national association under the trade union HK. The focus is on creating development and inspiration between the members working in the graphics industry.